Why do I need to provide a copy of my tenancy agreement and ID?

To verify use of the App it is important that PCM know that the person applying is a resident of the development and a form of identification with the name and valid address is required to accept the application.

Where can I download the Virtual Visitor App?

The application is available for Apple and Android phone devices. Please go to your respective App store and search – Virtual Visitor Parking

Why must I provide a copy of my I.D & Tenancy Document details?

All new registrations must provide both copies of two identifications.  This is to verify that the users are valid applicants. All documents are held in line with the current GDPR legislation.

Why am I only allowed a certain number of free hours per month (if applicable)?

The number of free parking hours available per month is a carefully calculated number that has been agreed with either your Managing Agents or Housing Association.  The number is calculated in order to be a fair for all residents with visitor parking rights.

What do I do if the App does not work or are experiencing problems?

Please contact our app support team on the following email – appsupport@pcm-uk.co.uk

Why can I only park for a maximum stay period (if applicable)?

The maximum stay period has been agreed with either your Managing Agents or Housing Association.  This period is calculated in order to be a fair for all residents with visitor parking rights and to allow for genuine visitors to park.

How do I purchase additional hours (if applicable)?

Purchasable hours can be bought within the app.  The number of hours permitted to purchase is dependent on your address.

Why is there a ‘no return’ period restriction (if applicable)?

The no return period has been agreed with either your Managing Agents or Housing Association.  This period is in order to be fair for all residents with visitor parking rights and to avoid residents parking secondary vehicles.

Can I book more than one visitor at any time?

This is dependent on your address.  The amount of visitor vehicles permitted to park at one time will be clearly stipulated in the written communication from Parking Control Management (UK) Ltd. 

Do any of unused hours roll over (free or purchased)?

This is dependent on your address.   If the scheme allows both free and purchased hours do roll over.   The rollover period will be clearly communicated to all residents by Parking Control Management (UK) Ltd.

What information do I need to complete the booking?

Residents will only require the vehicle registration of their visitor to complete a parking session booking.

If I am a new tenant what do I need to do to register?

Please contact PCM on the details below to make an enquiry about the visitor parking at your address.

01753 512603


Mon-Fri 9am-5pm